New York City Office: 17 State Street, 40th Floor New York, NY 10004 - Phone Office / Fax: (212) 457-1010
Long Island Office: The Nassau Building 220 Old Country Road #2 Mineola, NY 11501 - Phone Office / Fax: (212) 457-1010
NY State Security Guard Training Requirements
Security Guard (unarmed)
Section 89-G of Article 7A requires all persons engaged in security guard activities be registered with the New York Department of State (DOS), and complete all training (unless exempt) at schools approved by the Division of Criminal Justice Services (DCJS). The following training courses are required:
Security Guard (unarmed)
Initial Training Requirements:
8 Hour Pre-Assignment Training- A general introductory course. You must complete this course and submit a copy of the certificate issued to you with your security guard application.
16 Hour On-The-Job Training (OJT) - A course relevant to the duties of guards, requirements of the work site, and the needs of the employer. You must complete this training within 90 days of employment as a security guard.
Annual Training Requirement:
8 Hour Annual In-Service Training - This course must be completed each calendar year you hold a security guard registration. Your registration is issued for two years, therefore, you must complete two 8 Hour Annual In-Service training courses within your registration effective and expiration dates to be eligible for renewal.
Armed Security Guard
Armed Security Guard
Initial Training Requirements:
8 Hour Pre-Assignment Training - A general introductory course. You must complete this course and submit a copy of the certificate issued to you with your security guard application.
16 Hour On-The-Job Training (OJT) - A course relevant to the duties of guards, requirements of the work site, and the needs of the employer. You must complete this training within 90 days of employment as a security guard.
47 Hour Firearms Training - You must possess a valid NYS Pistol Permit and security guard registration to enroll in this course. Upon successful completion of this course, submit a copy of the certificate with your application for an armed guard registration upgrade.
Annual Training Requirements:
8 Hour Annual In-Service Training - This course must be completed each calendar year you hold an armed security guard registration. Your registration is issued for two years, therefore, you must complete two 8 Hour Annual In-Service training courses within your registration effective and expiration dates to be eligible for renewal; and
8 Hour Annual Firearms Training - This course must also be completed each calendar year you hold an armed security guard registration. Your registration is issued for two years, therefore, you must complete two 8 Hour Annual Firearms training courses within your registration effective and expiration dates to be eligible for renewal.
Peace Officer Waivers - Applications for a waiver of firearms training for unarmed and armed security guards may be reviewed up to a maximum of four years after separation from a non-exempt, sworn, full-time peace officer position in New York. IF YOU ARE A SEPARATED POLICE OFFICER OR EXEMPT PEACE OFFICER, DO NOT SUBMIT A WAIVER APPLICATION, SEE EXEMPTIONS BELOW. For the purposes of registration, you may be granted a waiver from training if you can demonstrate completion of training that meets or exceeds the minimum standards for the 8 Hour Pre-Assignment, OJT, or 47 Hour Firearms courses. To request a waiver, you may access a waiver application via email (dcjsopssecurityguard@dcjs.ny.gov), or download an application from the DCJS website (https://www.criminaljustice.ny.gov/ops/sgtraining/index.htm). If approved, DCJS will send you a waiver letter to submit with your security guard application to DOS. For further information, you may call DCJS at (518) 457-2667.
I. Police Officers:
The Security Guard Act exempts active police officers from the definition of a security guard. This means active police officers accepting secondary employment are not required to register or complete training. However, if you are an active police officer, anticipating retirement, and still wish to obtain a Security Guard Registration, you must provide proof of original police officer training and a letter of good standing from the agency that employs you, along with the original Security Guard Application and finger print receipt.
Retired Police Officers:
In order to be exempt from the training, you must provide DOS with a letter from your department (signed by your department) indicating your retirement date. In addition, if you are required by your security guard employer to carry a firearm, or are authorized to have access to a firearm, you must provide proof to DOS and your employer of having completed a Basic Course for Police Officers (or an equivalent course), that included initial firearms training, within one year prior to employment as an armed security guard.
If your initial firearms training occurred more than a year before employment as an armed security guard, you must complete an 8 Hour Annual Firearms Course for Security Guards and report that training to DOS and your employer.
If it has been more than 10 years since you retired as a police officer, you are additionally required to complete the 8 Hour Annual In-Service Training Course for Security Guards every year thereafter.
II. Peace Officers:
Section 170.1 of Title 19 NYCRR exempts from the definition of a security guard, any individual designated as a peace officer under Article 2 of the NYS Criminal Procedure Law (CPL). The powers of a peace officer are only valid while the individual is acting in his or her official capacity for their primary employer. Consequently, during outside employment (moonlighting), a peace officer is no longer acting in his or her official capacity, and, therefore, must register and complete all training, (unless the individual has either been waived, or is exempt [based on specific job titles] (see Recent Amendments that may have a direct affect on you, below).
Current Peace Officers Applying for Firearms Training Waivers
If your employer has authorized you to carry a firearm in the line of duty, and you have been employed for 18 months or more and can exhibit a valid certificate, you are exempt from the 47 Hour Firearms Couse, and the addition 8 Hour Annual Firearms Course for holders of an armed security guard registration. Individuals seeking registration as an armed guard, must provide the Department of State with a copy of a waiver letter (issued by DCJS) and a certificate of completion for the MPTC Basic Course for Peace Officer with Firearms, or both the Basic Course for Peace Officers without Firearms and Firearms and Deadly Physical Force [long firearms course].
Recent Amendments that may have a direct affect on you:
Section 89-n (4) GBL has been amended to exempt certain categories of peace officers (see Categories of Peace Officers Exempt from Training per Amendment to §89-n (4) GBL, next page) from the following training: 47 Hour Firearms Course, 8-Hour Pre-Assignment, OJT, and 8 Hour Annual In-Service. To qualify for an exemption, a peace officer must either be currently employed in one of the job titles (see categories of Peace Officers Exempt from Training per Amendment to §89-n (4) GBL, next page), or retired from one of those job titles for not more than 10 years. Although exempt from the 8 Hour Annual In-Service training course for the first 10 years of retirement, the retired peace officer is subject to an 8 Hour Annual Firearms training course, if their basic course was completed more than a year prior to filing their security guard application.
Note: If it has been more than 10 years since an individual retired as a peace officer, they are required to completed the 8 Hour Annual In-Service Training Course for Security Guards, and additionally, if armed, the 8 Hour Annual In-Service Firearms Training Course every year thereafter.
Categories of Peace Officers Exempt from Training per Amendment to §89-n (4) GBL
A. Sheriffs, Undersheriffs, and Deputy Sheriffs of NYC, and sworn officers of the Westchester County Department of
Public Safety Services as defined in NYS CPL, §2.10 (2): In order to be exempt from the 47 Hour Firearms Training Course, 8-Hour Pre-Assignment, OJT, and Annual In-Service Training, individuals must provide the Department of State with either a copy of their Basic Course for Peace Officers certificate, or a letter from the personnel office of the entity for which they work(ed), indicating basic peace officer training. If currently employed, they must also provide a copy of their ID card showing current employment in one of the appropriate law enforcement categories, and that they are in good standing.
B. Security Personnel for the Triborough Bridge and Tunnel Authority as defined in NYS CPL, §2.10 (20):
In order to be exempt from the 47 Hour Firearms Training Course, 8-Hour Pre-Assignment, OJT, and Annual In-Service Training, individuals must provide the Department of State with either a copy of their Basic Course for Peace Officers certificate, or a letter from the personnel office of the entity for which they work(ed), indicating basic peace officer training. If currently employed, they must also provide a copy of their ID card showing current employment in one of the appropriate law enforcement categories, and that they are in good standing.
C. Uniformed Court Officer as defined in NYS CPL, §2.10 (21) (a): In order to be exempt from the 47 Hour Firearms Training Course, 8-Hour Pre-Assignment, OJT, and Annual In-Service Training, individuals must provide the Department of State with either a copy of their Basic Course for Peace Officers certificate, or a letter from the academy indicating their academy training. These courses must meet or exceed the MPTC basic course without firearms. In addition, if the individual is in an armed position, the individual must have completed MPTC Basic Course for Peace Officer with Firearms, or both the Basic Course for Peace Officers without Firearms and Firearms and Deadly Physical Force [long firearms course]. If currently employed, the individual must also provide a copy of their ID card showing current employment, and that they are in good standing.
D. Court Clerks as defined in NYS CPL, §2.10 (21) (b): In order to be exempt from the 47 Hour Firearms Training Course, 8-Hour Pre-Assignment, OJT, and Annual In-Service Training, individuals must provide the Department of State with either a copy of their Basic Course for Peace Officers certificate, or a letter from the academy indicating their academy training. These courses must meet or exceed the MPTC basis course without firearms. In addition, if the individual is in an armed position, the individual must have completed MPYC Basic Course for Peace Officer with Firearms, or both the Basic Course for Peace Officers without Firearms and Firearms and Deadly Physical Force [long firearms course]. If currently employed, the individual must also provide a copy of their ID card showing current employment, and that they are in good standing.
E. NYS Corrections Officers as defined in NYS CPL, §2.10 (25): (This does not include city or county correction officers.) In order to be exempt from the 47 Hour Firearms Training Course, 8-Hour Pre-Assignment, OJT, and Annual In-Service Training, individuals must provide the Department of State with a letter from the NYS Department of Correctional Services and a copy of their ID card showing that they are currently employed as a NYS Corrections officer in good standing.
Note: Individuals who are no longer active peace officers and do not have a valid basic course certificate, or do not qualify for either a waiver or an exemption, must complete the 47 Hour Firearms Training Course, 8 Hour Pre-Assignment, and OJT.